Georges Vantongerloo, painted wood, 1918-1922
The Belgian artist Georges Vantongerloo was initially part of the De Stijl art movement. From 1918 onwards, both in his painting and sculpture, he focuses entirely on abstraction, based on a mathematical regulation. However, he soon distances himself from the rather limited ideas of De Stijl. His geometric compositions evolve further through the use of curved lines, colour mixing and more attention to the spatiality of his open constructions. His passion for architecture was already noticeable even then.
‘Rapport des volumes’ dates from the early days of his abstraction. His wooden constructions painted white were based purely on vertical and horizontal line structures. According to his mathematical principles, he searched for the right balance of a volume in which the invisible spatiality is just as important as the visible.
– For more works by this artist, contact the gallery. –